Sunday, August 14, 2011

My kid would never bully

Check out this video on bullying and let me know what you think! Comment on this page and let's start a discussion.

My kid would never bully


  1. So, I'd like to start this conversation by asking you guys (specifically 5th period) what might be a good way to change the culture of school so that bullying is not acceptable? Is it possible to encourage students to begin standing up for students who are bullied?

  2. Our school could have an exciting and entertaining assembly about the fact that bullying is not acceptable. The speaker would need to be entertaining so the students wouldn't fall asleep, and he or she would need to get students actively involved in the assembly. More classes could also show a video clip (either My kid would never bully or a different one) and have active discussions like we did today. Also, bullying should be a topic in clubs such as FCA one day. While bullying will probably never completely disappear at our school, I think these methods will definitely encourage at least some students to stand up for students who are bullied.
    -Kristin Kennedy

  3. I think changing the culture of the school to make bullying unacceptable would be nearly impossible. Although we would all love to think we could stop bullying, there will always be those mean students who find a way to bully. Kristin's idea about the assembly would be a great way to address the situation though. Showing how harmful and serious bullying can be would have a huge impact on many students. There was talk my Junior year about a program where the family of a girl who commited suicide came to talk to high schoolers about bullying and the fact that their daughter died because of it.
    It is always a good thing to encourage students to stand up against bullying. Like we said in class, there is power in numbers and once that first person stands up for someone being bullied so will others!
    -Melinda Edwards

  4. Bullying happens at school all the time. But nobody ever stands up to them..why? Because if you tell someone the situation may worsen. Also, if the punishment fit the ''crime'' maybe the bullies at the school would stop, and get the idea that what they are doing is wrong.
    I would have to agree with Kristin about the speaker idea! I think that if the speaker were truly sincere about the topic and if they were pepped up enough to keep everyone from falling asleep then maybe, just maybe it would have some impact on not only the students.. but the teachers as well.
    Also, if every role model in a students life was to be 'Anti-Bullying', (i.e Teachers, Parents, Friends), then the bullying would happen less and less.
    -Jackie Miller

  5. I think that Kristin has a good idea and I would like to add to it we could stick up for the kids in the hallways or tell an adult.

  6. More great comments! I agree with those of you that said that Kristin has a good idea about how to address it. Based on the Dateline clip, I could really see how it takes a group effort to handle these situations and change things. In a perfect world, we would be able to wipe it out. Melinda is also right...we will not be able to get rid of it completely, but it needs to be addressed.

  7. I don't think that this video fully shows the effects of bullying. Honestly, i have been bullied, and stuck up for people who were bieng bullied. This video makes it seem so easy to get out of it; to stop the bullying. Its not that simple. For cadet teaching; It may be that simple, because they are young children; but once the bullying gets into older grade levels; its alot harder to stop. Also; most bullys aren't that bold about it. Its more small snide remarks, and such stuff that doesn't make you realise what is happening. I for some reason; was led to believe that all of the children shown in the video were actors; and not very good ones at that. It would take more than one bystander to stand up. And it couldn't be something small like "hey, you can't do that" and then leave it be. Because it will continue; if only burried further so the eye can not see.

    -Amber May

  8. Bullying, I believe is something that will never completely stop, no matter where you are. I think that once you hit highschool it starts to stop. I do disagree with what Kristin said though, if you were to sit down a school of teen-aged kids and have an assembly to help prevent bullying I really don't think it would work. That, however, may work with younger kids! Just a thought, not meant meanly!

  9. I believe that bullying is a subject in all schools that will never completly be resolved. Its present in each and every school and usually is undecticted my adault. I believe that most students that are doing the bullying do not always realize the offence that they are doing. Parents also I feel like are not always informed weither their child is being bullied or if their child is the one presenting the bullying. I believe that students may live a different life at home than they do at school. I do think that once one person steps up ad trys to put a stop to the bully it opens up the door for others to help out and try and stop the harrassment as shown in the Dateline clip. So we need more individuals to step up and lead by example to try and put a damper on bullying.-- Andrew Yeager

  10. I agree with Ashleigh. No matter how hard you try to stop bulling in a school, it will not completly stop. I also agree with Kristen. Getting someone to come talk to kids would work more in an elementary school, rather than junior high and high school. But bringing up the topic every now and then would remind people how much it hurts others and how scary it can get.
    -Kayla Uhl

  11. Like Ashleigh said, I do not believe either that bullying will ever fully stop. Something may help to make it slow down, but there will always be some students who will push the limit and keep it going. As a teenager I would love to say that I would step in everytime I saw a bullying incident, although I believe it is easier said than done. There is always that thought of, "oh I don't want to get in the middle of it," or, "what will they think of me if I step in and stand up for someone?" But if there are enough people who will stand up maybe it will show the people worried about those things that they have nothing to worry about!
    -Morgan Mosley

  12. I agee with Andrew. It will never be resolved and there will be bullying in every school, I bet if the bullys really knew how bad they were hurting them I bet there would not be as much bullying goin on. Yes you will still have bullys no matter where you go, but I bet the number would go down a few, because never know whats happing on at where they live, but I do think if someone steps up and helps the kids getting bullyed they would not keep doing as much because there will be more of them insted of the bully.
    -Miles Walker

  13. I agree with everyone that bulling will never fully come to a stop but I think there are more students against it than for it. All it takes is one person to stand up to help someone.
    ~Megan Leffler

  14. Although it's nice to believe we can stop bullying, I agree that it will never stop completely just because there's always the "mean kids" who could care less about hurting other's feelings. Like Kayla said, it would be nice if we talked about bullying in the high school every now and then just to show how much it hurts people and how far it can escalate. Once one person steps up and says something, others most likely will too. There's comfort in numbers so maybe one day the bullying issue won't be as severe as it is today.
    -Ashley Crawhorn

  15. As we all know, bullying will never stop completely, but I think showing the Dateline episode to kids and talking about it with them will help them to think more seriously about bullying and the serious effects it can cause. When it comes to bullying, the bystanders are the ones who are most crucial to stand up for the one being bullied, so if we were to point that out I think that would open a lot of eyes. Being 'neutral' is just as bad as being the bully, so if those bystanders stood up for the ones being bullied I think it would help to stop the bullying.. We need to stand up for each other instead of just standing in the background and watching..
    -Gloria McCarty-Flores

  16. I agree with Kristen. I think having an exciting speaker with experience would show students what a serioius matter bulling is. Bullying will never completely stop, but I think if a few people were to stand up against bulling, then other people wouldn't be so afraid to join.
    -Koko Sams

  17. Changing the culture of the school would be SOOO hard! Even though it isn’t right, bullying happens (no matter how much I hate to say that). I believe teachers and other adults can help tremendously by stepping in and letting student know it isn’t acceptable and therefore lowering the hesitations of students. I have seen adults be too accepting of bullying, and act like it doesn’t happen. It’s important that kids know it isn’t acceptable. Then again adults aren’t always around to help handle these situations. This is where education comes in. It’s important to educate students on what bullying looks like and different ways to stand up to it.

    -Cassie Epperson

  18. Is there really more that we can do for our school to stop bullying? The school boards are starting to crack down hard, with Zero Tolerance policies and such, but I feel like if they just keep adding these policies and rules, our school will be the equivalent of a prison. Someone made a good point in class the other day, telling adults after being bullied really is pointless. They never get to the root of the problem, and it usually makes things worse. Bullying will never stop, thats just a fact. Not that its acceptable, but it's natural in human nature. The only way to cut down on bullying is for the by-standers to start stepping in, and for the victims to stick up for themselves. I think that bullies pick out people they think are weak, and people who won't do anything about being bullied. I think that if victims just really stood up for themselves and by-standers stood up for them too, that would cut a lot of bullying.
    -Olivia Worland

  19. I agree with everone that bullying will never completely go away but I also agree that it be a fantastic idea to create a program to teach students on bullying and its consequences.
    Another thing is that most parents do teach their children what is right from in these type of situations.
    -Julia Sieg

  20. I believe that bullying is very rude and disrespectful. I think if CCHS did exactly what NBC did to our school, we wouldn't see it as much. People would start standing up for others in defense. On the other hand, there is a difference between bullying someone and joking around with a friend. I also think that the bullying in the video differs from what actually happens in reality. It's a little more intense and up close in the video. Whereas in reality it just kinda happens.- Tyler Episcopo

  21. I think a good way to help stop bullying in our school could be anything from a school assembly to an anti bullying group. Programs like DARE help kids realize the dangers of drug use, why can't a program be created to help kids understand the concept of bullying? Personally, the only kind of bullying I have ever come in to contact with is a dispute between my closest friends, and none of that has been going on for more than a couple of years now. So, I think it's safe to say I'm still a little ignorant when it comes to recognizing bullying and need to be taught what to do when I do realize that it is going on right under my nose and what I should do about it when it occurs.-- Libby Freiberger

  22. Bullying is a bad thing. Period. It hurts people and it does make them feel terrible about themselves. I would know because i used to be bullied. Back in 5th and 6th grade i was bullied because i was about 30 pounds overweight. Kristen had a good idea about a school assembly but wouldn't work. Kids don't pay attention when they have to. They sit and talk and have a good time, or they use they're cell phones. Bullying is something that will never be gone completely. It also just depends on how you look at things. I'll tell you bullying is bad, but at the same time I'm glad that i was. It gave me a reason to be productive in my life. Me getting bullied when I was younger helped turn me into who I am today. If I hadn't been bullied, who knows, I might still be overweight and still be getting bullied. We can do everything possible to prevent bullying, but in the end, kids are gonna bully. No matter what. Bullying isn't acceptable now and I don't see what could even be done to prevent it. Children are always going to have issues, always going to be emotional, and always going to need something...or someone to take it out on. The only way to truly prevent bullying is to make children live perfect lives and seperate them from the rest of the kids, and frankly, I don't see that happening.

  23. I think CCHS is relatively bully free, but not completely. We just don't see it much. In the video, as Tyler said, the bullying is much different. -Jontel Smith

  24. Yes i would say bullying is wrong. But there is really no way to change the way our school culture is. No, i'm not supporting it, but just becasue the school board is cracking down doesn't mean it will end the bullying completely. yes the teachers and principles do help the situation, but it still doesn't stop it. The kid will probably get bullied more now for "ratting on them" as they would say. I think it would help if the by standards would step in. Like NBC did on that show, maybe if we did that at CCHS the bullying would calm. They really showedwhat bullies do. The only reason people pick on people is to be funny, and they get the fun out of it when people laugh and go along with it, but if people stood up and would say something to break it up or step in then it would settle everything.
    -Rachel Deaton

  25. Our school doesnt have a lot of bullys , but they deffintly are out there. The few bullys we have would quit bullying if they wouldnt get feed back.Most of he bullys have friends that are write there with the agging everything along. A group of people just need to go around and confront bullys and stand up for others.Thats what I think would stop the bullying in our fine school!-Ethan Wright

  26. I agree with everyone about there being no way to completely end bullying. Although the video clip we watched was pretty bad, Amber was right about bullying not really being quite like that. why do you think teachers don't see it or adress it?? A lot of time it's small things that just keep adding up and adding up over time which push people too far. Bullies don't realize the stuff they are doing has such an impact on the student they are bullying, therefore, the bully doesn't always purposely hurt someone. A lot of time it is just kids trying to be cool or funny and while doing so, they hurt otheres. For the younger children we'll be working with, it's probably more like the video but in real life, or highschool, it's a lot different.
    ~ Emily Barry

  27. bullying cannot be avoided. there is no way to prevent it. we have to stop it after it starts which is the cold hard truth because there will always be that "one kid" who is a bully. to stop it the penalty for bullying should be more severe depending on the grade level. once we make it clear that bullying is very serious, then we will see it to decrease. if we taught the kids at a younger age to be nicer and kinder to one-another then the problem will also decrease.

  28. I agree that while it would be nice to be able to put a stop to bullying, it will never happen, because it would be impossible to change the culture of school that much. I also agree with Melinda that if people who were seriously affected by bullying in high schools, it would have an impact on a lot of students.
    -Hannah Meyer

  29. I agree that bullying will most likely never completely cease to exist but that we could do a lot to help change what is going on in schools today. Showing student’s videos like “My Kid Would Never Bully” and having inspirational guest speakers could make kids realize the impact that they are having, or could be having on fellow students. If we could show students that standing up like Lily did can really help a victim feel better and help other bystanders stand up for what’s right. I agree that the bullying or harassment is not usually this bold so you have to watch for the snide remarks and try to be positive toward the victim or stand up to the bully.
    -Destiny Sizemore


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